Audubon Certification Update

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The AFF is represented on a sub-committee of the Red Hook Together community group, meeting over the last 4 months on an almost weekly basis, working through the second stage of Audubon International’s Sustainable Communities Program. The process of certification has been a multi-year undertaking, led by Laurie Husted from Bard College. Earlier this year Red Hook was cited as only the second community in the State of New York to receive the Audubon International Green Community Award after completing stage one.

“The Town of Red Hook has demonstrated a strong commitment to fulfilling the ideals of sustainability—economic vitality, environmental protection, and social responsibility,” said Jessica Latus, Director of Sustainable Community Programs at Audubon International. “Red Hook has made tremendous strides in identifying community challenges, harnessing the power of partnerships, and will now compile a strategic sustainability plan that will have a real and positive effect on the community and its residents.” She added: “The Program helps communities tackle challenges and plan for change in a way that fosters a vibrant local economy while maintaining a healthy environment and high quality of life. This is the concept of sustainability, which Audubon International views as the foundation for quality communities of today and tomorrow. We want to plan for the best of what Red Hook can be and show visitors and residents that it is truly a sustainable community.”

There are three stages in the multi-year certification process. Red Hook has already completed an assessment and community survey in the first program stage. The community will now define a long-term community vision, choose sustainability indicators as a mechanism for fostering action and measuring success, and implement its plan. The plan covers 15 focus areas, such as Education, Agriculture, and Open Space, the sub-committee will choose timelines and measurable goals for each of those areas - not a simple undertaking! After outreach to the community at large they will complete a vision plan and report progress on chosen goals, satisfying stage two requirements. Stay tuned as they continue working through all focus areas - online, of course, - just as everyone has been doing since March! The Audubon project has been another opportunity for AFF to collaborate with RH local leaders on a community building endeavor.